Rad Tech CE, ASRT, ARRT® CE, Category A Credits | Radiology Continuing Education

Approvals/Requirements Satisfied by eRADIMAGING Courses

  • ASRT approval for ARRT Category A credit
  • All Courses eligible of international radiographers' CPD requirements
  • ASRT and MDCB are approved continuing education providers of ARRT and all courses are accepted by ARRT
  • California CE requirements met for all radiography courses
  • NMTCB accepted (All Courses)
  • All Courses available for RRAs
  • ARMRIT accepted (All MRI Courses)
  • MDCB approval by the Medical Dosimetrist Certification (Selected Courses)
  • Florida approval for all courses 1 credit or more
  • ARDMS accepted (All Courses)
  • CAMRT and Sonography Canada recognize the ASRT approval (All Courses)
  • Approval: This course is approved by ASRT - an approved continuing education provider of ARRT.
  • Release Date: 11/10/2023
  • Expiration Date: 12/1/2026
  • Credit Hours: 3.75 Credits
  • Course Description and objectives:

    Course Description
    Recently, there has been a growing understanding that all concussions involve some level of brain injury. In addition, few issues in the field of sports medicine have had as high a profile or generated as much public interest as traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) or sports-related concussions. TBIs are clinically divided into a spectrum of severities, with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) being the least severe, but with the most frequent occurrence in contact sports. Recently, a long-term consequence of repetitive head injuries like mTBIs has been identified, a chronic neurodegenerative disorder known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). CTE has primarily been reported in patients and athletes who engage in combat-like or contact sports as well as military veterans. Despite the increased attention, however, confusion and controversy persist, from how to define a concussion, how repetitive concussions affect the vulnerability of athletes, to future injury progression, and when is it safe for a player to return to the sport. As these recently identified neurologic conditions are seen more frequently, it is important for radiologic technologists who may image patients with this condition be well educated about the anatomy of the brain, these conditions, and how best to perform the necessary imaging studies to diagnose or rule out mTBIs, CTE, and other acute and chronic neurologic conditions. This course will review in detail the anatomy of the skull, the parts of the brain, and the nervous system. It will also provide a review of the basic parts and functionality of the most used modalities employed in neuroimaging, specifically, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and positron emission tomography-CT. Definitions and classifications of various forms of TBI and other types head injuries will be outlined and described and visual examples of how these injuries may appear on screen using CT, MRI, and/or PET-CT will be provided. Finally, steps that sports organizations are taking to protect and treat athletes who are susceptible to or may have sustained head injuries will be noted.

    Learning Objectives
    After completing this course, the participant should be able to:

    • IDENTIFY neuroanatomy as it relates to traumatic brain injuries (TBIs).
    • EXPLAIN the neurophysiology/biomechanics of mild-TBIs (mTBIs), concussions, and potential intracranial-related hemorrhages.
    • DEFINE the terminology and categorization of mTBIs and concussions.
    • IDENTIFY the clinical signs and symptoms of mTBIs and concussions.
    • RESTATE what chronic traumatic encephalopathy is and its relationship to contact sports.
    • SUMMARIZE the roles of computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), MR spectroscopy, functional, and resting MRI techniques used in diagnosing the effects of TBIs.
    • ANALYZE how positron emission tomography-CT plays a role in diagnosing patients with TBIs and chronic traumatic encephalopathy.
    • OUTLINE the role of professional sports organizations and team officials in acknowledging, addressing, and preventing player injury in contact sports.
    Categories: CT, MRI, Nuclear Medicine

  • CE Information:

    In order to receive CE credit, you must first complete the activity content. When completed, go to the "Take CE Test!" link to access the post-test.

    Submit the completed answers to determine if you have passed the post-test assessment. You must answer 24 out of 32 questions correctly to receive the CE credit. You will have no more than 3 attempts to successfully complete the post-test.

    Participants successfully completing the activity content and passing the post-test will receive 3.75 ARRT Category A credits.

    Approved by the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for ARRT Category A credit.

    Approved by the state of Florida for ARRT Category A credit (for Technical credits).

    Texas direct credit.

    This activity may be available in multiple formats or from different sponsors. ARRT does not allow CE activities such as Internet courses, home study programs, or directed readings to be repeated for CE credit in the same biennium.

  • Structured Education Credit Valuations:

    CategoryContent AreaCredits
    Computed TomographyProcedures0.75
    Magnetic ResonanceProcedures1.25
    Nuclear MedicineProcedures1.25
    Radiologist AssistantProcedures1
    Vascular InterventionalProcedures0.25

  • CQR Credit Valuations:

    Computed TomographyHead, Spine and Musculoskeletal 0.75
    Magnetic ResonanceNeurological1.25
    Nuclear MedicineOther Imaging Procedures 1.25
    Radiologist AssistantNeurological, Vascular and Lymphatic Sections1
    Vascular InterventionalVascular Diagnostic Procedures0.25

  • California Credit Categories Valuations:


Neuroimaging with CT, MRI, and PET-CT of Brain Injuries and Concussions in Contact Sports

George Tsoukatos, BPS, R.T. (R)(ARRT)®

*Medical Imaging Consultant, Radiology Support Services, Germantown, NY

Address correspondence to: George Tsoukatos, BPS, R.T.(R)(ARRT)®, Radiology Support Services, PO Box 215, Germantown, NY 12526. E-mail: radiologytechnique@gmail.com.

Disclosure statement: The author reports having no significant financial or advisory relationships with corporate organizations related to this activity.


Recently, there has been a growing understanding that all concussions involve some level of brain injury. In addition, few issues in the field of sports medicine have had as high a profile or generated as much public interest as traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) or sports-related concussions. TBIs are clinically divided into a spectrum of severities, with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) being the least severe, but with the most frequent occurrence in contact sports. Recently, a long-term consequence of repetitive head injuries like mTBIs has been identified, a chronic neurodegenerative disorder known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). CTE has primarily been reported in patients and athletes who engage in combat-like or contact sports as well as military veterans. Despite the increased attention, however, confusion and controversy persist, from how to define a concussion, how repetitive concussions affect the vulnerability of athletes, to future injury progression, and when is it safe for a player to return to the sport. As these recently identified neurologic conditions are seen more frequently, it is important for radiologic technologists who may image patients with this condition be well educated about the anatomy of the brain, these conditions, and how best to perform the necessary imaging studies to diagnose or rule out mTBIs, CTE, and other acute and chronic neurologic conditions. This course will review in detail the anatomy of the skull, the parts of the brain, and the nervous system. It will also provide a review of the basic parts and functionality of the most used modalities employed in neuroimaging, specifically, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and positron emission tomography-CT. Definitions and classifications of various forms of TBI and other types head injuries will be outlined and described and visual examples of how these injuries may appear on screen using CT, MRI, and/or PET-CT will be provided. Finally, steps that sports organizations are taking to protect and treat athletes who are susceptible to or may have sustained head injuries will be noted.

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Sample eRADIMAGING Course *

* This sample course is for reference purposes only. It is not currently available for earning CE credits. To earn ARRT CE credits please subscribe to eRADIMAGING where you will see a complete listing of all active and eligible CE courses.

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