Rad Tech CE, ASRT, ARRT® CE, Category A Credits | Radiology Continuing Education

Approvals/Requirements Satisfied by eRADIMAGING Courses

  • ASRT approval for ARRT Category A credit
  • All Courses eligible of international radiographers' CPD requirements
  • ASRT and MDCB are approved continuing education providers of ARRT and all courses are accepted by ARRT
  • California CE requirements met for all radiography courses
  • NMTCB accepted (All Courses)
  • All Courses available for RRAs
  • ARMRIT accepted (All MRI Courses)
  • MDCB approval by the Medical Dosimetrist Certification (Selected Courses)
  • Florida approval for all courses 1 credit or more
  • ARDMS accepted (All Courses)
  • CAMRT and Sonography Canada recognize the ASRT approval (All Courses)
  • Approval: This course is approved by ASRT and MDCB - approved continuing education providers of ARRT.
  • Release Date: 1/24/2025
  • Expiration Date: 2/1/2028
  • Credit Hours: 3 Credits
  • Course Description and objectives:

    Course Description
    The aim of this course is to review the most often detected and diagnosed gynecological cancers, namely cervical, endometrial, ovarian, vaginal, and vulvar cancers, and the best treatment options for each. To begin, a comprehensive review of the female reproductive system and important anatomical knowledge needed by healthcare providers and radiation therapists is detailed. A complete summary of the basics of each cancer is described, including etiology and epidemiology, natural history, and clinical presentation. Typical detection and diagnostic tools as well as guidelines and screening for each cancer type are outlined, including a thorough comparison of the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics' and the American Joint Commission on Cancer's staging systems. Gold standard treatments including chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation therapy are explored. The prognosis for patients with each cancer type is noted and the need for psychosexual counseling is discussed.

    Learning Objectives
    After reviewing the content, the participant should be able to:

    • IDENTIFY tumor histology and pathways associated with gynecological cancers.
    • IDENTIFY the screening tools, detection methods, diagnosis, grading, staging systems, and preventative strategies for gynecological cancers.
    • ANALYZE various malignant gynecological tumors of the endometrium, cervix, ovaries, uterus, vagina, and vulva.
    • ASSESS emerging approaches to imaging and treatment of patients with gynecological cancers.
    • EXPLAIN the clinical presentations for patients with gynecological cancer.
    • OUTLINE epidemiologic and etiologic information pertinent to gynecological cancers.
    • SUMMARIZE the roles of radiation therapy, surgery, radiotherapy, immunotherapy, and medical oncology in the management of patients with a variety of gynecological tumors.
     Categories: Radiation Therapy, Treatment

  • CE Information:

    In order to receive CE credit, you must first complete the activity content. When completed, go to the "Take CE Test!" link to access the post-test. 

    Submit the completed answers to determine if you have passed the post-test assessment. You must answer 18 out of 24 questions correctly to receive the CE credit. You will have no more than 3 attempts to successfully complete the post-test.  

    Participants successfully completing the activity content and passing the post-test will receive 3.0 ARRT Category A credits. 

    Approved by the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for ARRT Category A credit.  

    Approved by the state of Florida for ARRT Category A credit (for Technical credits).   

    Texas direct credit. 

    This activity may be available in multiple formats or from different sponsors. ARRT does not allow CE activities such as Internet courses, home study programs, or directed readings to be repeated for CE credit in the same biennium.

  • Structured Education Credit Valuations:

    CategoryContent AreaCredits
    Computed TomographyProcedures2
    Magnetic ResonanceProcedures2
    Nuclear MedicineProcedures2
    Radiation TherapyPatient Care0.5
    Radiation TherapyProcedures2.5
    Radiologist AssistantProcedures2

  • CQR Credit Valuations:

    Computed TomographyAbdomen and Pelvis2
    Magnetic ResonanceBody2
    Nuclear MedicineEndocrine and Oncology Procedures2
    PTHTreatment Sites2
    Radiation TherapyPatient and Medical Record Management0.5
    Radiation TherapyTreatment Sites and Tumors2
    Radiation TherapyTreatments0.5
    RadiographyThorax and Abdomen Procedures2
    Radiologist AssistantAbdominal Section 2

  • California Credit Categories Valuations:


Gynecological Malignancies and Radiation Therapy: A Comprehensive Review

Jacqueline (Kim) Mylan, MBA, R.T.(T)(ARRT)

*Program Dean and Instructor Emeritus, Radiation Therapy, Cambridge College of Healthcare and Technology, Delray Beach, FL.

Address correspondence to: Jacqueline (Kim) Mylan, MBA, R.T.(T)(ARRT). E-mail: jkimmylan@yahoo.com.

Disclosure statement: The author reports having no significant financial or advisory relationships with corporate organizations related to this activity.


The aim of this course is to review the most often detected and diagnosed gynecological cancers, namely cervical, endometrial, ovarian, vaginal, and vulvar cancers, and the best treatment options for each. To begin, a comprehensive review of the female reproductive system and important anatomical knowledge needed by healthcare providers and radiation therapists is detailed. A complete summary of the basics of each cancer is described, including etiology and epidemiology, natural history, and clinical presentation. Typical detection and diagnostic tools as well as guidelines and screening for each cancer type are outlined, including a thorough comparison of the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics' and the American Joint Commission on Cancer's staging systems. Gold standard treatments including chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation therapy are explored. The prognosis for patients with each cancer type is noted and the need for psychosexual counseling is discussed.


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Sample eRADIMAGING Course *

* This sample course is for reference purposes only. It is not currently available for earning CE credits. To earn ARRT CE credits please subscribe to eRADIMAGING where you will see a complete listing of all active and eligible CE courses.

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